Thursday, 04 February 2021
  3 Replies
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After seeing many good reviews on the Umarex Synergis I, of course, purchased one. After all, it was a springer with a 10-shot magazine that was accurate to about 50 yards and NOT a break barrel. At less than $200 US, how could I not?
I mounted the included scope and tried to sight it in, but to my dismay the 3rd to last pellet wouldn't load. I couldn't close the under lever and the magazine would not come out. So, I ended up taking it to a local gunsmith to remove the stuck pellet. he found that the magazine had not fully rotated and was now useless. I contacted Umarex about the mangled mag and they said it would be replaced.
After getting the rifle back, I once again tried to sight in. This time using the second included magazine. But, wouldn't you know, that magazine jammed on the 2nd to last pellet! At this point Umarex recommended that I just return the gun, which I have done.
I must say that I'm really sad that I couldn't even get the thing set up, let alone do any shooting with it!
Has anyone else been let down by this new model?
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
Wow Mondo, How completely disappointing. I had a similar problem with one of the mags for my Eagle claw, and it was always on the 2nd or 3rd to the last shot, in my case the tapper in my bolt aloud it to slip into the empty chamber and not cause any damage, (very thankfully), what was happening, and i think your dealing with the same issue. When you get to the last few shots, there is not as much tension on the spring in the mag, any friction at all can cause it to hang up and not index properly.
i was able to open up the mag and very lightly lubed it and put it back together taking care not to tighten the screws any more than i needed to. it now works smother than the other 3 mags i have. if the Ballistol i used doesn't cause any problems with the plastics. ill be doing the others soon
Best of luck!
3 years ago
Mine feeds OK, but the accuracy is just not there. It's also VERY LOUD. I keep wanting there to be a good underlever or sidelever that isn't at the price point of the HW97 or TX200, but I think it might just be a dream.
3 years ago
Can you have an inexpensive gun that still has quality and accuracy? No. As the old saying goes, "Pick two" ;)
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
Wow Mondo, How completely disappointing. I had a similar problem with one of the mags for my Eagle claw, and it was always on the 2nd or 3rd to the last shot, in my case the tapper in my bolt aloud it to slip into the empty chamber and not cause any damage, (very thankfully), what was happening, and i think your dealing with the same issue. When you get to the last few shots, there is not as much tension on the spring in the mag, any friction at all can cause it to hang up and not index properly.
i was able to open up the mag and very lightly lubed it and put it back together taking care not to tighten the screws any more than i needed to. it now works smother than the other 3 mags i have. if the Ballistol i used doesn't cause any problems with the plastics. ill be doing the others soon
Best of luck!
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