Sunday, 19 July 2020
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Now I am a newbie air gun enthusiast having been bitten 4 months ago, I'm keen and still green and I am just a ‘back yard plinker’ having fun, but this might be useful and is in a way a follow on from jepho’s post of 2 months ago. I have made over 20 different types of targets (not ‘drawn’ to any scale), all of which are printed off on my inkjet printer A4 size paper and fit just dandy on the thin plywood double sided frames which attach to the target retrievable systems I built in my back garden.

The way I do it is to look on the internet for pictures of targets by typing SHOOTING TARGETS in the search bar, then click on IMAGES or scroll down a bit and click on Images of Shooting Targets, which takes me to oodles of target images. I place the curser over the target I want and right click on it to bring up a window and click on the ‘save as’ command to save a copy of the target image with the name I want e.g. Target Bulls Eye Coloured Numbered, Target Red Man, Target Rifle (1), Target 4 Bulls Eyes etc., etc. in the file I labelled Target Pictures.

Once I have all the images saved of the targets I want, I then make sure the images are not too big, although not essential as paper and ink with my inkjet printer is pretty cheap.

Then one target image at a time I start to make my targets ready to print as a Word document which I prepare as follows:
• Page margins are all set at 1.27cm
• I insert a simple table which is used for names/date/score or whatever I want as it is easily changed
• I insert the target image then I have to edit/format the image by -
1) Wrap Text – In Front Of Text
2) Crop – any unnecessary space outside the target border
3) Resize - the target until it fits the page as I want
4) Re-position - target on page, bearing in mind where the clips will be, that hold the A4 paper on to the boards.
• I save each target document in a separate file labelled Targets To Print, so I can easily the ones I want to print off.

Once I have Target 1 saved, to make things easy I just remove the target image, insert the next target image and edit it as above and once happy save the document as Target 2, then remove that image and insert a third image, edit it and save the document as Target 3 and so on and so forth.

I repeatedly save what I have done throughout making these targets, as it can save a time in the long run if I make a mistake
Easy to do, repeatable, cheap and no waiting for the post to arrive or driving to shops for collection … sweet!

I use an inkjet printer but there is no reason I can see that a laser printer won't do the job just as well. The cost may be higher though and may be a consideration and this could limit the scope for playing around with changing the colours of the targets?

I have attached a few target images that are not too big that you might like to use to make your own word documents to print a targets yourself - don't be fooled because it says rifle, we use them with our pistols just the same.
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