Thursday, 16 July 2020
  2 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Hi Giles or Sam

Question, will you be stocking any scope rings (high adjustable) in 34mm as you are selling the Element scopes which I am waiting to purchase, the Titan has the 34mm tube.
Eaglevision sell a huge amount of scope mounts that work really well on all types of air guns, PCP and Springers, plus they stock the camera gear as well, are they a product that you could consider stocking.


4 years ago

We are trying to add as many products as quick as we can.
Eaglevision makes some great stuff, if they retail direct in the UK from their own page it makes sense to buy direct from them.
34mm noted - it is on the list.

4 years ago
I bought my titan from the 101 shop but got the 34mm adjustable mounts from Eaglevision, I highly recommend them.
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