Sunday, 21 February 2021
  3 Replies
  1.9K Visits
Hi All,

I have just returned to air rifles after about 35 years of not shooting. After watching a stack of Giles's reviews I found myself opening my wallet and getting a BSA R10 TH. Started shooting today and really enjoyed the session.

I have attached my 25 metre targets so I can find out if this is what I should expect, or should I get better over time? I can't shoot any longer distance until lockdown ends as 25 metres is the length of my garden, so stuffed until I can get onto my dad's farm and set out some targets. Have only put about 100 / 150 ish pellets through the gun so far, so hopefully will bed in after some more use. These are all ten shot groups at 25 metres.

Anyways, good to be back shooting and looking forward to getting out there when this pandemic is done and dusted.
4 years ago
I have several air guns (rifles, pistols & revolvers) all 12g CO2 sadly, but these results look pretty awesome to me with or without a scope, especially for your first day shooting with a new rifle after a 35 year break from the sport.

I have just checked out your new baby on 'Alpha Militaria' and AAR reviews and I have to say WHAT A BEAUTY!

Not sure which finish you have, but in the walnut finish it looks so elegant, refined and well balanced. I have no need for such high powered airguns being a simple backyard plinker that I am, but I do get a flutter of temptation by the appearance and performance of your chosen BSA R-10 TH ... oh be still me beating heart ... no my precious ... no!

Roll on the better times when you can get to dad's place and try it out long range ... happy days to come!
4 years ago
Great job, helponhand ,
That's some fine shooting there! Have you tested other pellets through the rifle? Something like the Exact Jumbo or Hades pellets may prove to shoot well in your gun, also.
None-the-less, congrats on a beautiful choice and welcome (back) to the community!
4 years ago
Thanks for the replies. Silverlake, I did get the walnut version of the R10 TH. I also purchased a used R10 MKII stock to use when I go out vermin shooting so I don't knock the R10 TH stock about. Currently feeding it some oil to protect it. I have the Optisan EVX 4-16x44i fitted, but had to 3D print a side focus wheel, as the supplied one got in the way of the magazine.

Mondo, I do have some Bisley and Air Arms and Hades waiting to test. Wanted to give it a good go with one type first to get used to it and make sure that if there is a problem when I change ammo it isn't me ;)

Thanks again for your replies and yes, it is great to be back at it after so long away!
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