Tuesday, 29 December 2020
  2 Replies
  1.5K Visits
Morning Giles,

I have been watching your posts for approx 2 years now and I finally have a request for your analysis.

Attached is a shot string for my .30 cal Impact MKII, shooting 50.15gr pellets. Could you review and critique/comment on how I can tune my rifle better?

Thanking you in advance and Happy Holiday's!!!

12132020 - IMPACT Tune Stats.png
4 years ago
Thank you, it was trial and error to get it to push pellets at this speed with .25 cent piece width at 53 yds.

I might lower the speed because the rifle sounds stressed after each shot.

Will let you know what happens..

Also side Note: I did refill my tank one time to get this string at Max setting.
4 years ago

If that was my shot string I would be incredibly happy.
With a .30 that's awesome. If you removed the last shot at 930, then the std dev would be even tighter.
That's an awesome string....!!! You need to teach us all. :D

Thanks for watching.;)

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