Saturday, 04 April 2020
  4 Replies
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I am a new user and followed the Mighty Giles for around 3 years now on YouTube it was based on his review i purchased the FX Crown in .22 sub 12ftlb

Now for my question..

I have a holiday home in France, over there i have 2 .177 plinkers co2 pistols. I am giving thought to taking over my Weinrauch next time I go over (At this rate that will be 2033). As its not a black powder rifle does anyone the correct info for taking it with I have contacted my carrier Eurotunnel. Pretty hopeless. Someone i am guess on here will have travelled to europe with a pcp. All help recieved.
3 years ago
I’ve been shooting and collecting good airsoft guns through the yrs/yrs and know the very sting-full power BB guns and the Destructive power of pellet rifles can cause as well.
4 years ago
Since September 2013, air rifles with a muzzle energy less than 20 joules (14 ft lbf) can be acquired by persons over age 18 and no licence is required. (Previously the limit was 10 joules.) For air rifles of 20 joules muzzle energy or more, a hunting licence or club shooting licence is required.[7][8] However, hunting or pest control with air guns is illegal in France

As for leaving at home PCP rifles are very expensive and the brand choice is limited namely Gamo. .I have the option of buying from Mundilar and have it shipped from Spain to France (Mundilar have confirmed this) that would mean following out a further £1100 for the same kit I have at home. Hence the reason for this post to see if 1) Possible 2) checks and balances and 3) the legality.

BASC have told me in the past I can take with but inform my carrier that was pre-brexit thought was prudent to ask the audience.

4 years ago
You might be better off to leave your stuff at home and buy something there.
4 years ago
@Araignée# OK, don't quote me on this. The French law is 15 Ft Lbs if my memory serves me if you're sub 12 you are golden on that part. Always inform the carrier - Eurotunnel - and always put a trigger lock on the rifle and completely discharge all air - basically you want the gun as secure as possible and un-fireable as possible. Travel with ammo well away from the gun itself. Put a covering letter in with the gun showing you have informed the carrier that it is there and explaining the current state of the rifle and covering statement on power. Mostly unless you get stopped and searched you should be fine. But always be prepared. It can depend on the person who does check you. The bit I am unsure on is the law of ownership in may be fine, if the airgun is legal and license free in the country how can they prosecute you? Take all this as guidance.....
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