Wednesday, 10 June 2020
  3 Replies
  1.8K Visits
Hi, I have recently bought the fx impact mk2 with the power plenum in .22 and I shoot the jsbs in 18.13g and my gun came with from the local dealer the reg set at 125 shooting the pellets at 1050 little higher or lower but it was giving constant speeds I haven’t shot for accuracy yet but I was wondering is the speeds I am getting are too high and what would be the sweet spot for this pellets at this weight?

I tried to shoot it today to break in the gun and the velocity dropped to around 700 something is this normal ?
And it seems like after the shot the power plenum makes some sound like its filling up after every shot
I just kept shooting it over fox chrono it started going down every fill I don’t know if it’s settling there
4 years ago
I had exactly same issue where the power dropped after shooting a couple of rounds. I contacted FX and they recommended using blue loctite. It fixed the issue but have yet to try and adjust it since then, I'm a little worried now :(
4 years ago
Appreciate the help , yes that was the problem i measured before and after which gave me diff results and i have taken it to the shop they apllied some lock tight and it was fixed but now its so stiff i can hardly move it.
4 years ago
Check your hammer spring screw. My Hammer spring screw backed out the very first day I was shooting it. Next thing I knew I was shooting at around 700 ft./s.
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