Thursday, 18 June 2020
  17 Replies
  3.3K Visits
I recently enquired about the FX DREAMLINE TACTICAL COMPACT WITH FOLDING STOCK at an online retailer to be told I couldn't buy one as the FOLDING STOCK OPTION is illegal in the UK. Then I see on there website they are selling the NEW BROCOCKS with FOLDING STOCK & that is legal in the UK. My question is how can the BROCOCK be legal & the FX illegal ;)
Thanks in advance robodoug28
4 years ago
Personally for the Edgun I think it's over priced for what it is & the FX is better value for the money.
4 years ago
This is the real thing ?
4 years ago
Just a little note, you can’t fire an edgin when it’s cocked.
4 years ago
Cheers, looking forward to playtime.....
4 years ago
Thanks James. I'm actually off to see a retailer on Friday who has the Dream tac compact in stock & has checked the legality & is happy to sell without any worries.

perfect, enjoy! i saw them on the sgc stand at the bss and fx were happy to let me have a play. wouldn't have been there if it wasn't legal. anyhow, enjoy!
4 years ago
Thanks James. I'm actually off to see a retailer on Friday who has the Dream tac compact in stock & has checked the legality & is happy to sell without any worries.
4 years ago
you can get a full power edgun leshiy without issue, well i say without issue, legal issue - getting one is another issue! but yeh sorry side tracked. if something like that is fine, i can't see why the dreamline wouldn't be?
4 years ago
i have the folding stock dream tac in 12flb its over the length of a pistol when folded, there's a great gun shop in Bristol give them a call, (Braces):D
4 years ago
Thanks NPC & all who have replied. I have sent the retailer an email but not responding.
I've also seen another retailer offering the said FX for sale with the FOLDING STOCK so they will be getting a call Monday morning :D
It's 3.40am uk & I'm off to try & catch my first Barbel of the new season!!!!!
4 years ago
In the U.K. the 60/30 rule doesn’t apply to airguns. If it left the factory as a rifle its always a rifle so even if it has a folding stock it’s not a pistol, which is also the reason why you can’t take a pistol up to 12ftlbs even if you fit a stock to it. It’s still a pistol so is governed by the 6ftlb law
These are the section 5 (prohibited) restrictions-
4 years ago
Just picked up my dreamline from sportsman gun centre this past week, said I had the folding stock option that I was going to put on it, never said it was illegal, or mentioned it wasn't allowed. Bought my folding bracket from Krale and the stock from brownells.
4 years ago
I sent Sportsman Gun Centre an email on the 16th asking if they could answer the question but as of yet no reply.
I'm new to airgun world & don't want to get in trouble before I start, my son is a Policeman & I don't want him slapping the bracelets on.....
4 years ago
Quick easy answer, phone Sportsman Gun Centre in Exeter, they are the distributor for FX - am sure thats been checked and double checked. Am sure they would also appreciate a heads up if someone is saying the wrong thing.
4 years ago
Well I have one of those Artemis CP2 pistol/rifle things and that is perfectly legal even though you can set it up with the rifle barrel mounted to the block but with a pistol grip and no shoulder-piece at all. Mine is tuned up to just over ten and a half ft lb using the long barrel and should I be caught using it set up like that (obviously I don't, it would be rubbish) I would be solidly in the wrong and facing court and possible prison time.
Sounds to me like your retailer is being a bit silly. Sadly it never helps to inform people of this. Hope you manage to resolve things.
4 years ago
I don't understand it!!! I've seen UK YOUTUBE VIDEOS with Folding Stock being used. Perhaps the online retailer dose'nt my money.
I'll investigate a little more.
4 years ago
Sounds odd as I just took the stock off my lite and its still longer than my wildcat compact!
4 years ago
Not a lawyer, not even a UK resident.
I think it has something to do with the overall length when the stock is collapsed.
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