Monday, 26 April 2021
  2 Replies
  1.6K Visits
Hi All. I'm after help/advise, I have a compatto xr in .22 with an element helix scope (mrad).
The problem I'm having is the zero keeps altering. I have leveled scope to rifle set up the zero at 20 yards and used chairgun to make turret tapes which worked perfect for range altering and could constantly hit a tea spoon at 50 but I went out on a rabbit permission tonight and checked zero and was out to the left by 10 clicks at 50 yards (windless night) not an issue with cant using same pellets and filled to same pressure?
Please help.
Many thanks.
3 years ago
I have had the same problem with my Helix

I used fx no limits so when I zeroed it at 30 I bottomed the scope out so that I had the full Mrad elevation.

but when the first 2 Mrads are dialled, the cross hair drops and moves to the left but was ok after that 2 mrad!!

So now I start at 3 mrads and zero with the scope mounts and put the limiter there.

You can check if your scope behaves like mine by setting up on a bipod and bag and focus on a fence panel in your garden - then carefully dial in your elevation and see if your cross wanders off the left like mine does.

I have been in touch with Element about this, as I was horrified by it when I proved it - but to them the Helix is a cheap scope and recommended I get a Nexus if I want a quality scope that will dial reliably!!

Apart from being too heavy I am moderatly happy with it, just have to learn to live with its shortcomings.

If only it was a good as my trusty old Bushnell Elite..........
3 years ago
I doubt that it's the scope as Element scopes are pretty rugged. Something is loose. Check that all screws are tight. Stock, rail, etc. Verify that your rings are properly torqued down. Check the manual for both rings and scope as they're probably different. Most likely 15 ft/lbs or more. But, don't over tighten as that could strip the threads or, worse, crush the scope's main tube! If you don't have a torque wrench - beg, borrow, or buy one!
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