Saturday, 04 April 2020
  62 Replies
  5.4K Visits
My name is Giles, I make an online show called "The Airgun Gear Show' and have been doing so for 8+ years. I used to shoot airguns as a youngster, before everything became so PC and everyone got scared. Every Sunday I would go to Long Marston car boot and buy a second hand air rifle, some would work, and some would first ever was a Gat air pistol. To cut a long story short, here I am....developing and now having a punt at a forum. Would love to talk more to shooters and be able to help, and in these challenging times we need as many outlets to chat as possible. So welcome, please enjoy. Giles
3 years ago
Hei there!
I'm new here. I recently got my FX M3 in cal .25 and .35 (barrel kit ...) I'm not completely new to airgunning, cause I shot a brakre barrel since I was something like 6 ... However that whole PCP stuff is quit new and interesting for me and I hope it opens up some nice possibillities for me and - yes of course - it's much fun. That damn M3 got addictive ...
so far so good - nice to be here and get in touch with other addicted ...
3 years ago
Hi all,

I'm Ken and based in the Bury, Lancashire. Recently picked up an FX Dreamline Tactical Compact from Livens (having watched videos from Giles and Matt) and it's a dream to shoot. Joined Rochdale Airgun Club so if there are any members from there - hello!! :)

I'm a lecturer and work in Manchester, specialising in 3D modelling and digital sculpting. I am a hobbyist knife maker too and make my fixed blade knives by stock removal. Look forward to chatting to ppl on here.


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