Saturday, 04 April 2020
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My name is Giles, I make an online show called "The Airgun Gear Show' and have been doing so for 8+ years. I used to shoot airguns as a youngster, before everything became so PC and everyone got scared. Every Sunday I would go to Long Marston car boot and buy a second hand air rifle, some would work, and some would first ever was a Gat air pistol. To cut a long story short, here I am....developing and now having a punt at a forum. Would love to talk more to shooters and be able to help, and in these challenging times we need as many outlets to chat as possible. So welcome, please enjoy. Giles
4 years ago
Hey Guys, Crash here.

I scored the name when I raced Superbikes on an amateur level here in Australia.
Unfortunately, I was often the only one to beat the ambulance to the scene of the accident.

I was a chopper pilot for many years and had to convince the guys not to call me that in front of clients as they would get a little edgy.

I’m loving getting back into shooting and have a lifelong best mate who is now into it too and enjoying the journey.

Good Health
4 years ago
Crash Good to meet you - Thanks for joining, always wanted to fly a helicopter....have a feeling weight and size would be against me.....:p
4 years ago
Thx Giles. Provided you get a big enough helicopter, size and weight are no problem unless the engine stops......and then we are back to the original conundrum.

The site seems to be pretty functional and non glitchy..Well Done.

4 years ago
Greetings from California. I’ve been shooting mostly Airguns my whole life. And that’s a long time. I have always enjoyed your videos. Looking forward to learning about guns we don’t have in the US.
4 years ago
Hi Giles

Mr Bond here. By way of introduction, I’m an amateur air rifle tuner/tinkerer/repairer. Love to bring stuff back to use

I have a few to go at from a 1907 BSA to a 2019 Leshiy. And a good few in between.

We’ve met a couple of times at gun shows and from that, I reckon you have the ability to make this fly. So well done, it looks great so far!


Nice looking forum you’ve created
4 years ago

2019 NSS I think
4 years ago
Mr Bond, Good Morning.

Glad to have you onboard.
Hopefully your knowledge will be put to good use here in the future......possibly from me, I fancy a restore project, may have something in mind............;)

4 years ago
Pleased to be here mate. It’s all your fault I bought a knackered Artemis M30. Your rebuild video was priceless.

It’s a beauty now though, but about a foot too long!
4 years ago
WOW is that an M30.....looks like a centre fire.....I LIKE that.
4 years ago
Hi Giles, love the new forum, should be great if we can maintain the same level of humour and irreverence that you put into your reviews.
I'm a complete newb to airguns, I used to be a keen archer but my joints can't stand it any more (53 years old and knackered: there was nothing in the instructions that warned me about that) and I wanted a new way of making holes in paper at a distance. Then I saw a few amusing video clips and a new hobby was born. I saw the way the wind was blowing with regards to C-19, decided to not wait until could afford an Air Arms springer and just managed to get an SMK CP2 (best I could afford at the time) delivered just before the gun-shops stopped delivering. Now I'm happily plinking my isolation away... getting sub-1" groups at thirty yards now and very pleased with myself.

Anyway, all the best to you mate, hope the forum and shop do well, and hope to chat more in the future.
4 years ago
David Paylor Good to meet you David, Welcome to the wild wild world of airguns. Age is a terrible thing, a few years ago I felt like a spring Chicken, overnight everything seems to be failing......and going south. Keep getting those groups, careful with the addiction to it, you will want to buy more. :p
Stay Well
4 years ago
Greetings fellow enthusiasts! Bill here from North Texas. I am a relatively recent returning violator to airgun shooting. My first foray into the hobby was as a young boy with a Daisy 99 BB gun, learning safety and proper shooting techniques. I did some practice at 10m shooting a springer when I was a little older and learning to shoot .22 powder burners. After that I put down airguns for almost 30 years (powder burners and work took over) but got back into it because of gentlemen like Giles and his cohorts (content creators on YouTube). I'm enjoying the new hobby tremendously, and cannot thank creators/devoted individuals like Giles. Tip of the hat to you sir.

Thank goodness, I got back into this hobby before quarantines started...I am able to enjoy shooting in by back yard, which helps break up the day at times.

4 years ago
buckyusn Good to know you Bill. You sound similar to me, started as a boy, forgot about it then rediscovered years later. I also shoot .22 LR, but it can be a bit bouncy in some situations which is why I opt for the airgun, and as yourself I can shoot these in the yard and the field at the rear without too many issues.
Glad to have you on board, fingers crossed it will grow to a nice community.
4 years ago
Addictive you say? That would explain why I have already set rules on how many co2 capsules I can use in any one day (so I don't run out) and why it took me less than a day to break said rules...
4 years ago
My name is Adalberto, I live in Portugal, and love airguns since my first cheap chinese copy of a diana at age 11.
I am now 43 and still love the airguns.
4 years ago
Morning Adalberto,
Portugal is a beautiful part of the work. Lovely weather to always be able to shoot. Glad to have you on board.
4 years ago
I have been a rifle and pistol shooter most of my life. I was introduced to air rifles a little over two years ago by my older brother and have been hooked ever since. I’m a Mechanical Field Engineer in the Nuclear Power Industry and have spent the last two years minus vacations in the Middle East so I haven’t been able to shoot as much as I would like. I own a .22 cal. Pulsar and a .25 cal. Red Wolf HP Rosso and I shoot my brothers Impact they all are fantastic. I will be retiring soon and can’t wait to go to the shoots across the States and maybe elsewhere. This is truly a family sport and I’m in this for the long haul. Who knows maybe even open a little shop and range here in The River Valley of Arkansas.
4 years ago
GhostMaker Good to meet you and Thanks for hoping on board. 3 fabulous rifles to choose from. The Red Wolf Rosso's are good looking rifles....I do like the stock and and colour.
WOW, more shops and ranges the merrier, that would be fabulous - am sure you would get busy in no time at all.
4 years ago

i'm James; based in the lovely south of England where i work as a BPCA certified Advanced Technician in Pest Management. within our company i'm the dedicated marksman and falconer for Devon & Cornwall - so i get to see all sides of pest control and shoot in some really interesting and weird locations!

on the side i also run a channel called replica reviews; tend to do reviews on rifles, pistols & various shooting related gizmo's, "long range" targets etc etc.

pleased to be on the forum, great work!

all the best!
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