Saturday, 04 April 2020
  6 Replies
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I’m wondering if any countries other than here in Australia have banned sales of both firearms and ammunition?

In the state of Victoria we normally have 100 firearm permit applications submitted per week. It double for a single week and they have banned all sales until further notice.

On a local talk back radio show a hunter who was trying to explain that it’s both his exercise and how he often fills the freezer was dismissed like he was a fool.

I grew up on the land as the eighth child of parents who lived through the post war depression. Rabbits, Blackfish and Eels helped them though those very tough times and as children we were all taught to shoot with the intention of one shot=one kill.

I’m sure things won’t get that bad but I’m still glad I have about 8000 bunnies worth stored away if I can stick to the previously mentioned formula.

Good Health
4 years ago
It is interesting how Sweeden is going about handling the crisis. I kinda agree with it. Here in the USA, I'm noticing more and more people and traffic about. Also hearing more air planes than in the past few weeks. I think people will tire of staying put, and will start to venture out to do combat with the invisible enemy. I've been a hermit since I got back from Viet Nam, so I don't mind being all holed up, and have plenty of food and water.;)
4 years ago
As far as Northern Ireland everything is put on hold, I have my Fac thankfully but was about to order a Fx Crown Continuum .22 but the firearms branch is closed due to the covid situation. So I wouldn’t be able to pick it up as I couldn’t get it applied on my license. So it’s a waiting game and also the crown continuum’s are on back order over on the Mainland. And on another note we certainly don’t know the outcome of how bad things will become over in Sweden with the way they are handling the outbreak.
4 years ago
Crash, sorry to say that a lot of pro firearms individuals saw what happened to our comrades in Australia, and woke quite a few folks up to the fact that it could happen here in America. I don't know if there is any way to change the situation through the Australian legal or political system, but I do hope so for our friends over there.

Whiskey68, I grew up in New Jersey, as a competitive shooter and hunter, and I remember how Byzantine the firearms laws are there. I miss my friends from there, but I do not regret making my new home in Texas at all. It would be nice to think that this is a wake up call for anyone in NJ that decided they were pro-firearm ownership when they realized that the police do not have any legal obligation to put themselves into harms way to protect citizens. (Please understand that I have a great deal of respect for our law enforcement, and they absolutely do put themselves in harms way by their own choice, but they are human too, and cannot be everywhere all the time.) Sadly, I think memories are short, and attitudes will change quickly once life returns to "normal-ish" after quarantine.

4 years ago
Keith, my shooting buddy(lifelong mate who is out of action due to an operation and will be along shortly) and myself spent three months in the USA back in 93’.

We had a ball as 20 odd year old party ass’s.

The state moto for Texas was “Texas...don’t mess with it”.
Our state moto was “Victoria garden state”.

These days we call it the “Nanny State”.

I know you get where I’m coming from. It was good times from start to finish.

4 years ago
They tried to shut down gun sales in New Jersey because the background checks system was overloaded and understaffed bc of corona That did not go over well. ‘Merica! :p
4 years ago
Here in the UK, new Firearm Licenses applications are subject to the local Police Authority being able to process basically it will be a go slow - down to who is actually at work. We can however buy an airgun below sub 12 ft lbs without a license, the only trick is to be able to find an open Gunshop who can sell you one. Most are doing 'at the door service' or some kind of home delivery, checking your ID ( over 18 ) on delivery. But if you don't have a firearm / shotgun license now, you may wait some time, but that's down to staffing issues rather than any restriction or ban. I did go and buy cartridges just before the lockdown, as I am lucky to have a current license.

USA has got massive with gun sales, but then they can.

Hopefully it will not get to it, but, if food did ever become short ( don't think it will ) but if it did - I know who would be able to get meat for the table.
Stay Well.
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