Wednesday, 15 September 2021
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I received the Hajimoto Productions Gauntlet 2 yesterday, Sep. 14th, and just had to try all of my moderators on it to find the most "backyard friendly" one for my new gun. So, I gathered them all from my other rifles, pulled out my lightest and heaviest ammos, and excitedly got ready to do some shooting. That's when I got my first surprise - what caliber was each one for?

You see, I'd just removed them and piled them all together without taking note of which rifles they had come from! Damn... Well, I thought, "Your a smart guy. you can figure this out!" So, I got out my digital caliper and measured the exit opening on each one:

9.77mm 0dB 110C
9.59mm DonnyFL Sumo
9.57mm DonnyFL Shogun
8.57mm DonnyFL Ronin
7.92mm DonnyFL FX
7.42mm DonnyFL Tanto
6.73mm DonnyFL Tatsu

Now, given that my largest caliber is .25 and that converts to 6.35mm, I can use ANY moderator on ANY gun I own! Which, of course, begs the question, "Why did I buy all these different sizes in an effort to 'up-size' for each caliber when even the smallest one is bigger than I need?" So very interesting!

Moving forward, I decided that that's exactly what I'd do. Starting with the largest one (the 0dB) I'd work my way down until I get pellet clipping. Here's how they compared (since I'm interested in how humans will hear the gun's report, all measurements are 'A weighted'):

Ammo: FX Airguns 34 grain
Hajimoto Productions short shroud without moderator: 118.9 dB
0dB 110C: 77.3 dB
DonnyFL Sumo: 78.5 dB
DonnyFL Shogun: 63.8 dB
DonnyFL Ronin: 73.7 dB
DonnyFL FX: 70.1 dB
DonnyFL Tanto: 107.9
DonnyFL Tatsu: 53.8

Ammo: FX Airguns 25.4 grain
0dB 110C: 72.8 dB
DonnyFL Sumo: 86.0 dB
DonnyFL Shogun: 57.7 dB
DonnyFL Ronin: 76.2 dB
DonnyFL FX: 48.0 dB
DonnyFL Tanto: 87.4 dB
DonnyFL Tatsu: 112.8 dB

The one thing that stands out most, to me, is that there's some kind of extra magic dust sprinkled on the DonnyFL FX moderator! At least for my gun, that is. Your mileage may vary *wink*

The other surprise was that there was NO shift in the point of impact with any of the moderators! Shooting 5-shot groups through each one and I only had a single flyer the whole time. Amazing.

What are your thoughts on these results?
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