Mine has been quirky. Much of which I have posted here. I recently flipped the barrel over to see what the speed increase for just the slug port would be. Speeds were slightly higher but my point of impact was like a foot low at 50 yards, IIRC. I totally get that there would be some difference it just seemed like a lot. I had my gun sighted in for 50 yards in preparation for squirrel season. I then moved to a 25 yard target and noticed my group was to the left by over 3/4 of an inch (and a little low which scope height accounts for). I am starting to wonder about my particular barrel assembly. Group size is acceptable, in the 1/2 to 5/8 range at 50 yards
There are a lot of parts that make up and Impact barrel. The potential for misalignment seems significant. If it has that much up and down POI change is it out of the question that there is something going on from left to right as well?