Thursday, 24 February 2022
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First of all I'm a bit of a newbie here so I'd like to say hi to everyone and I'm looking for somebody knowledgeable regarding a fx impact mk2 my problem
I've purchased a dog of an impact the reg recovery is woeful I have a digital reg gauge and use this in corolation with my chrono my reg pressure starts
60 bar take a shot register's 800 fps reg pressure reduces to 45 bar and the takes 3mins to get back to 55 bar if taking a shot anywhere within those 3 mins
Results in a shot fired at a different reg pressure and therefore a considerable spread of over 100fps differance so far I've replaced the transfer port removed
A packer from the plenum re sealed the whole gun including the reg and currently in the process of purchasing a 52cc power plenum kit to see if the increase
In plenum size would make it less reliant on the reg now feel free to shoot me down or possibly suggest something that may be causing my problems
Many thanks in advance
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