Wednesday, 12 August 2020
  6 Replies
  3.2K Visits
Edgun used to be a premier brand for LR hunting, but I don't hear about them much anymore. What happened? I've always considered a Morana, but never "pulled the trigger".
4 years ago
They are around, do a Google and loads will come up.

4 years ago
Yes, I saw a couple, primarily Leishy, but don't see many used in LR hunting videos or FT competitions. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.
4 years ago
tried talking to the uk wing of edgun to try and get a gun into review and raise the profile a bit. mainly as i had an itch but wanted to see one before buying. the issue - one of the weirdest 60min long phone calls i've ever had..... i can see why they aren't getting much traction here at the moment. shame as they look interesting.
4 years ago
I still look around for a morana every now and then; the brand used to be featured in quite a few long range shots. I wonder how they compare to the Steyr Hunting 5? Both are quit a bit outside of my price range, but I’m having such poor performance with my condor that I’m considering options.
4 years ago
I wanted to see people using the leshiy but when you google it you don't see people using it

I think they don't suit me as the distance between the stock(air tube) and the scope is too far so the stock is a chin rest?

What you you all think?
4 years ago
I have a Leshiy, Layla and a couple of Matador R5M's. The Matador in .22 is a great hunting Bullpup. I purchased them from UK distributor The distributor is a guy called Graham Denney.
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