Friday, 06 January 2023
  4 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Trying to find ways for good old-fashioned honest shooting to be posted...Why BS in the first place I don't understand...Why lie to yourself..Very odd in my book, The shooter's code was a thing!.. Any ho...Happy new peeps...So sorry I have not done a busting amount of posting...So busy making cool shit for us shooters ;)
With a shit tone of testing my own stuff, I'm creating. I do test other stuff along the way. But all paid for inc projectiles by CCM(me)
So a .177 13 grain off with a Uk spec Fx Impact...Few CCM mods but that's it.
First up ProHunter V's wildman's
“down the barrel up the lens and out to the community”
2 years ago
Hey Mondo, Hope all is good in your hood.
Thanks for having another look mate, pleased the changes worked. Not sure what I did Lol. Need to make a template. Keeping them short is super hard.
So I think keeping a camera rolling is a good way of showing true shots?
Just finished doing the next one on the 13 grain off.
Thanks again for your feedback Mondo!
Best regards

2 years ago
I tried watching on my desktop with Brave. I watched again tonight. The texts look better and are readable. Did you change settings on export?
~ Mondo
2 years ago
Hey Mondo, Oh no that's super pants....What device were you watching on? Thanks for the feedback bro, I will slow titles right down. Yeah, it was a super cool testing day...I'm just finishing the next one for the 13-grain off...But found a dead fish at my new testing ground...So had to get on it..around 145 yards. all weather ranging was 148 yards.
2 years ago
Sorry, Stig
I tried watching your vid, but it was so grainy that I could hardly read most of the texts. I kept having to pause and go back because they went by so fast, also. Then there were the texts that were in the PiP window that were impossible to read.
However, it looked like you were having a good time and that's really what it's all about. Eh?
~ Mondo
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