Friday, 14 May 2021
  2 Replies
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Hello guys just saw a video on here posted this morning by aar on air were apparently he had two that went wrong in a very short period of time most Pepole I have spoken to this morning have said how reliable they are so unless Someone didn’t put the oil in or didn’t read the instruction who knows I can’t understand why his went wrong I’ve messaged him to find out what exactly did go wrong but had no reply ? , only reason I’m asking is that I’m picking mine up this afternoon and this is the first negative thing I have heard any advice or anyone got one who can give me the low down on them before I hand over my savings most grateful thanks all and stay safe MR.T
3 years ago
Daystate sells two models of this compressor. The one I have is the MCH-3 or 3 cylinder model and I has run flawlessly for 12 hours. The second one is the MCH-6 model which has 4 cylinder and I have no experience with this. How this helps.
3 years ago
I received mine in December 20 and have not had any problems except getting my 2 oils for my first 2 oil changes. I ended getting them on ebay which ordered them from england in about 10 days. A few of the early ones had one of 2 problems which where fixable by the customers with a new part supplied by the factory and they also needed a computer under date. Mine has worked flawlessly and very quick. By the time I hook it up to my daystar pulsar hp and turn it on its over. Nothing to it. After spending alot of money on a fiber tank and spending a half a day getting air from the scuba store then returning one of those chinese air pumps that was worthless and time consuming I was ready to throw down $3500 on a large compressor. Then I saw the ec3000 and have not regretted it. I have a built in 115 ac convertertor in my f150 ford and can fill my gun wherever I go.
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