Wednesday, 25 March 2020
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24th March 2020 - 9.30am

Airgun 101 Shop and Airgun 101 are both home run businesses and as such we shall remain open and will feed content and purchases to the world as long as distribution channels remain open. Example, as long as the Post Office / Couriers are working we can work.

All safety measure are taken, with hand washing and wiping of packaging with an anti bacterial wipe before despatch - so if print is smeared or looks like it has been wiped with something, it has.

We will continue to ship while we have stock and are working with distributors around the world to keep the supply chain going.

Postage delays may occur, please be patient - we are working towards a normal service as best we can.

These are unprecedented times, and our first priority must always be health and well being and doing as instructed by the Government.

I do not feel the need to keep going over the global situation, we all know what it is……but do please take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and of course everyone else
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