Tuesday, 10 August 2021
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Back in 2018 I decided to join one of the Air gun Forums (Green Crosman) and started
writing and posting articles with photos of work preformed as well as
accuracy/chronograph test results on my collection of Air guns. This resulted in a total of 57
articles with photos. A notice was posted on the Green Forum that it would be shutting down
effective 1-15-2021!

At this point with the assistance of my youngest son David, who without
his assistance, I could not have attempted this project; all the articles with photos, were
retrieved. I felt that there was some valuable info on Vintage Crosman air rifles as well as
others, which might be helpful to some folks so decided to make a CD with all 57 articles
and photos; for those who might be interested.

Examples: Crosman early Teen series Co2 Rifles & Pistols, Model 150, 157, Hahn 45 Co2 Pistols, Sheridan etc.
Benjamin M 422 8 gm C02 semi auto pistol, Benjamin M 250 etc; and many more, with accuracy, and velocity testing included
on all. Also includes spring powered rifles Benjamin, Crosman, BSA, Feinwerkbau well as others.
These are just some of the Rifles, pistols covered, 56 Articles total.

Garey Q. Hindman
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