Tuesday, 21 December 2021
  1 Replies
  2.1K Visits
Personally, I think Air Venturi took some shortcuts in their rush to get their Avenger Bullpup to market by Christmas. They left the cocking lever where it was (blech!) and just added a linkage to move the trigger out front. There's no way that isn't going to affect how it feels! The only significant change that I've seen is the magazine holder in the stock (thank you for that).

However, as much as I like the bullpup idea, I'm going to wait for v2.0, which I'm hoping their working on now. It should have the cocking lever closer to what should be a good, if not match grade, trigger (just don't make it worse!), a larger bottle, and PLEASE get rid of that ridiculous raised rail! This isn't an M4 rifle and we don't need a handle on it!

I know that there will be R&D costs to recover and I fully expect to pay a bit more for such a rifle. But, what we've got now is simply unacceptable. At least put a little effort into it, Air Venturi! Don't just stick it into a different plastic shell and call it good enough.

Does anyone else have suggestions for improving this design? Let's get them to make something we'd LOVE

~ Mondo
3 years ago
How about a tactical style? That would lighten it considerably. The current configuration just looks so bulky!
~ Mondo
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