Monday, 04 October 2021
  4 Replies
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Hi guys I'm new here. I had a question. I'm from India and we are allowed .177 cal AR @20 joules. This I believe would fall under FAC in the UK. What I would like to know is if the difference between a sub12 foot pound and a 20 joule rifle is high. I believe there is a difference of 2 foot pounds. So is this a massive difference or not much. Appologies in advance if this sounds dumb. Thanks.
3 years ago
Greeting and welcome, Namjaigai
You never have to apologize for any question you ask here, my friend!
As to your question about the difference between a sub12 foot pound and a 20 joule rifle, the short answer is that the difference is minute.
However, if you really want to know, the first thing is to quantify each so that we're comparing apples to apples.
12 Foot-Pounds = 16.27 Joules
20 Joules = 14.75 foot-pounds
As you have seen, the difference is only 1.52 foot-pounds of energy (FPE) or 3.73 Joules.
The next thing we need to know is the ballistic coefficient of the round and the distance at which your target is.
Of course, we're really splitting hairs at this level and since I don't have that info, it's not possible to calculate. One thing is for sure, though. It's extremely small and the squirrel/rabbit/etc isn't going to know the difference! LOL
More important than comparing energy levels is knowing your ability. To make an ethical kill (Don't be mean; kill them clean) you need to be able to put every shot into a 1" circle. Every time! That is the determining factor on how far you can take quarry. Don't be overly impressed with those amazing long distance shots you see on YouTube. Realize that videos are edited and they're only showing you their best shots, not showing you how often they miss!
Here's my "rule of thumb":
5-8 FPE for mice and small rodents
12-20 FPE for small game (8 FPE on target)
20-30 FPE for ground squirrels, rock chuck, etc
30+ FPE for coyote, pig, etc.
100 FPE for deer
Note two things: These are very general recommendations and I have yet to take a 'yote or larger. But, I've recently purchased some heavier caliber guns and have plans in the works for doing so next spring.
~ Mondo
3 years ago
Thanks Mondo,
I am about to import an fx crown .177 from UK and since our non FAC power is slightly higher than theirs, I was wondering if they will send an fac rifle or a sub12 rifle with the power tweaked a little guessing the latter.
3 years ago
!2 FPE to 14FPE is very similar so no fuss

for UK FAC FX's its 40 to 100FPE

a sub 12 Crown can be tuned to up to sub 14.75 easy peasy

There are several ways you can do this but the most efficient way is via the Low/Medium and High dial - this used to be .177/.25/.30 - its a airflow restrictor. and in sub 12 the Medium and High will have the same apertures. so all you need to do is drill out the high position, this will allow more air through.

if this give you too much power then you can reduce the reg or back the hammer spring tension off. and if that doesn't work get the 380mm barrel!

Either way you'll need a decent chrony

Also just because its sub doesn't mean you will get 11.5FPE - my wildcat came on 8FPE, but its now on my FAC ticket and doing 40FPE (Compact)
3 years ago

Oh so that's how it is. Good to know. Thanks man.
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