Thursday, 26 November 2020
  2 Replies
  1.4K Visits
Looking for a 30cal. I currently own an fx boss 30 cal but it’s a little heavy to walk and shoot off hand. I’m thinking about either the wildcat mk3 or the impact mk2. Anyone have experience with both guns? Shot count is way better with the impact but it’s also 600$ more. Any experience or advice on choosing would appreciated.
4 years ago
Ive just put a 30 cal barrel on my Mk3 Wildcat and what a beast but as mentioned some much more handle able than my Impact but lacking shot count, but its running at 76ft/lb and you cant have it always
4 years ago
thats easy Wildcat Mk3 hands down, Mine could easily make me let go of my Impact Mk2 and Dreamline..

whether on a bench, off a gate post of off hand it runs like silk and is effortless to carry hour after hour,

I actually prefer the safety at the rear -

the only main benefit of an impact has to be the valve adjuster and slug probe for .30 you might need an impact to get the the speeds you want.

I would suggest you try both to be sure.
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