By NobudyIn Particular on Monday, 20 April 2020
Posted in Private Sale USA
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I'm wanting an FX Impact MK2 in .22 w/slug liner preferably (yeah I know, I'm pushing my dream to its max) will consider a Wildcat MK2 .22.

I really need/hope to keep it under 1500.00 (I shouldn't go this high but…) I'm a Serious buyer, PayPal transaction preferred.

I live in western Colo., long shots of prairie dogs are the norm. I (think) the compactness and slug spitting ability of the Impact is tailored to my shooting style perfectly.

I blame the PCP airgun addiction on myself but blame Matt Dubber for the reckless abandonment of my intended budget, and the mess I'm making drooling with thoughts of an Impact in my hands! (I hope he steps in a cactus pile barefooted!) Just Kidding LOL.

I respect and thank him for his ballistic knowledge (and more) and what he's contributed to the airgun industry (past, present, and future) Incredibly intelligent man. His working with Fredrick Axelsson (and others) has advanced the Aairgun Industry enormously. A Bronz statue of Axelsson, Dobber, and Barry should be commissioned as a tribute for their contribution to the Airgun Industry. imho

Potential candidates will be vigorously screened due to shysters of dishonorable character.

I've been on this search for 2 weeks, I'm about ready to say screw it, drive over to Utah Airguns (250 mi) dig out the crowbar, my wallet, and while stuffing earplugs in my ears to silence the better halves screaming … pry it open and just buy a F*&^%ing new one! (probably a waiting list tho)


NobudyIn Particular

I know UA, and as you know have visited a few times. They are open, and am sure they can help.

Plus, you would leave with everything you need and they have a range, will also make a day out.

Thats all I have to offer, because I don't live in the USA, but please do ship my statue over here, the Wife would like something to throw things at.
4 years ago
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