By PWFAC.22 on Monday, 20 July 2020
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Hi guys
New to this forum
I am starting to shoot air rifles again after a break whilst youngsters were under my feet.

I am looking for a PCP that I can go out for the day for a hunt but also have a bit of fun on the range etc.
I have an FAC and would shoot up to about 85yrds (not interested in rim fire etc)

I am torn between the Uragan from AGT and the new FX Wildcat mk3.

Any experience with these rifles

Thanks for any comments
Good to have you on board.

I have 2 bits of thought on this one.

1 Go hold them, a rifle is a real personal thing - so go hold and feel and see which one fits the best.
2 Just check what after sales service is available. FX now have a UK backed distribution network, am not so sure on the AGT - but wherever your getting one from should be able to tell you what service / after sales options they have.

Either way for my money would go FX....just for expandability after purchase.... but both am sure would work well.
4 years ago
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I am FX biased as I have a few and I am gobsmacked at how accurate the WC3 is, once zeroed you will easily get a 2cm group at 85 yards.

Also I am surprised how well it fits me (6'1") with out having any stock adjustments (fits like a glove)

I think all the hype over the Superior liners is founded,

Re the WC3 I couldnt get it as quiet as my crown so I converted the shroud to extend and now its very quiet.
4 years ago
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