Thursday, 23 April 2020
  7 Replies
  1.7K Visits
Hi I have been watching PCP’s from when Matt Dubber got the FX Impact and I have been saving up to buy an FX Impact. I now have the money but can’t decide between the 25 or 30 can anyone help me with what would be the best way to go? We don’t have any distributors for pellets or slugs in my country so I can’t just simply change the liner and go get the pellets I have to order them in and that can become costly.
4 years ago
what will you be using the gun for? do you need the big hit of the larger caliber or the potential accuracy of the smaller round, another factor would be the power of the gun. different counties have different limits, personally i would go with a .177 as i shoot targets (badly) and we are limited to 12 ft/lbs
4 years ago
I need both descent hitting power and as well accuracy at long distance. There are no limitations in my country so far yet. I primarily will use to hunt a bird that is about the size of a chicken but can’t get much closer then a 100 yards and iguanas as well.
4 years ago
.25 caliber is way more economical than the .30 yet it’s not much more than the .22 per shot. To me it’s perfect for small game and target practicing. Just my 2 cents worth.
4 years ago
I’d go with the .25cal. To me it’s comes down to shot count in my Impact. I’m stingy on my air use. My Impact is tuned down to 890fps JSB’s 25.39gr Diablo. It’s all about air efficiency.
4 years ago
Thanks that is what I have gone with hoping to get it soon.
4 years ago
Start watching Earnest Rowe on YouTube. His “How To Tune Your Impact” Masterclass Series is as good as it gets for tuning your rifle.
4 years ago
I have been watching every tuning video I could find starting 1 1/2 years ago. I have waiting a long time for getting my Impact.
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