Wednesday, 29 April 2020
  7 Replies
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Does anyone use the Side Shot with the backbone gopro , What are your thoughts and where did you buy from etc .
4 years ago
I use the side shot - mainly with my S9+ - once you get setup its easy to use - and a lot of my footage is caught that way.
Firefly 8SE is a popular camera to use, you can order one with a 90 degree lease already built in - I know the Air Hunters use one.
Even though I make YT video's I cannot bring myself to spend all the money on a Go Pro just for the side shot - I know its quicker and easier than a phone.....

The side shot itself does work well - sometime a spacer is a good thing, I have some experimental ones here and we may print them and sell them - once lockdown has finished.
4 years ago
Thanks for that however .... How is the Firefly camera attached and what else would i need to have a finished item ?
4 years ago
I ended up going down the route of the Backbone hero 7 by Side Shot which arrived yesterday so I will let you know how I get on . I have a NXS 5.5-22x50mm sitting on the Impact so I'm hoping the combination will work well .
4 years ago
So Giles, How about a little more info on the spacer that is needed for the Firefly 8SE 90 degree?
4 years ago
And once again when asking about this adapter the net goes silent. This isn't rocket science. I guess I will have to make my own. The guys at Side-Shot have gone silent for over a year. Nothing on their web site, Facebook or Youtube sites. Others have also been asked but they won't tell anyone. At most this is a 2-5mm spacer and can be done on a good 3D printer or cut on a CNC machine. I guess it is time for me to get out my CAD/CAM program and work up a design and test. Really disappointed in Side-Shot.
4 years ago
The adapter goes silent due to certain people not wanting you or I to know how it is done cheaply enough for us to afford it. Instead they want you to pay hundreds more to SideShot and GoPro so they can make more money. I have a side shot phone mount and all you have to do is take the 3 screws off and remove the phone mounting part and replace it with an adapter plate that would cost less than $20,

Adapter from here:
Here is his video he made on setup.... I have received and installed my FireFly 8se and Orion Mount plate, I will have to wait until this weekend to test the cam footage on the scope due to its dark now when I get home from work.

The FireFly 8SE comes with an enclosure that is attached to an adapter that is printed out at a certain thickness with mounting holes in in it. All you have to do is buy the $100 FirFly 8se Cam with the 90 degree lens which comes with the case, then purchase a $20 adapter or make one yourself. You could probably make a adapter plate out of any piece of nylon or plastic or wood for that matter and drill the mounting holes and that's all there is to it.
I have ordered the mounting plate and camera which should be here shortly, I have the plate bracket just need the cam to get here. The mounting bracket is 10mm thick. I will let you know how it turns out.
4 years ago
I have received and installed my FireFly 8se adapter onto my Side-Shot cam mount. Very easy install and works great. Just follow Orion The Iguana Hunter's install and settings and a little fine adjustment and you should be good to go at a reasonable cost. :D
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