Saturday, 18 April 2020
  5 Replies
  1.7K Visits
Hi all,

I am looking to buy my first PCP once thing calm down again.
On my wish list currently are the FX dreamline lite or the BSA R10 TH,

The FX I like because of the modern tech and versatility of the modular platform, (though this could turn into a bottomless money pit)

The BSA I like because it seems to be very accurate, powerful and looks freaking gorgeous! (British made?)

I'm looking to keep my budget under £1,500 for the rifle, scope and bi-pod and pellets, (.22).
I would also be prepared to buy secondhand if I could find something in mint condition. Which might help me stretch to an air tank/compressor.

I'll mainly be shooting in the back garden to a max of 40m and hopefully weekly trips to a gun club.

Any suggestions/recommendations?
4 years ago

First thing I say to everyone is go and hold some rifles. Find a good RFD, speak on the phone, check they have good stock in new and second hand then take a visit. Hold them, feel them and that goes a long way to knowing what you like.

Then do the pro's and con's

FX Normally you can make changes - massive array of accessories and possibilities
BSA / Air Arms / Daystate - awesome kit, but not as many options as the above - but many prefer the styling and feel.

New Element Helix scopes are coming so thats an easy answer.

Shot count is important - example Sub 12 - FX Impact .22 - 650 shots per fill - thats the max on the market, cylinder guns are less and need filling more often but use less air to fill.

If £1500 is your budget then do spend £1000 at least on a rifle - it will get a nice piece of kit.

BUT - disregard all I say if you walk into a store and love something - back to my first point......

Not easy to make the choice but very enjoyable.....:p

4 years ago
Don't forget you will need a way to fill your pcp.
Have you allowed for a bottle, pump or compressor in your budget?
As above, shoulder, try, read reviews then pay your money.
I sold my 1st pcp to get another, wish I'd kept it.
You can get sucked into a "this works but that one may be better" and either keep changing or get a collection pretty quick.

Have you thought about having a go at hft or ft? If so, bear in mind single shot capability is handy for either.
4 years ago
Thanks guys,

I will definitely try before I buy.
There is a large compressor in our fabrication unit at work, for clamps and airlines etc. It goes up to about 3000psi I think. There must be some sort of fitting I could attach to this to fill my gun when required?

I have been looking at scopes. Hell of a lot more choice now compared to 35 years ago, (yes I am Jurassic). I have been doing my research and getting up to speed on first and second plane, illuminated reticules and such.

Scope wise I'd like open turrets with a decent click, a hard stop would be a bonus but not essential. Turrets and reticule in MRAD and a side parallax. I think I'd prefer the FFP type but as with the rifle itself I'd try before I'd buy.
The only thing I'm not sure what sort of zoom range to go for. I don't imagine hunting much over 30m with a sub 12, Targets and/or HFT to no more than 50m

The Element scopes do look good, there was also an MTC with a windowed elevation turret that looked quite useful.
4 years ago
DO NOT use the compressor where you work unless its up to medical air standard. Water vapour, dust, oil, etc in the air from an industrial compressor will screw up your PCP in double quick time as well as invalidating any warranty. That's why compressors for PCP air guns have dust filters and water traps. Better to buy a dive bottle and get it filled at you local scuba shop where the air is dry and clean enough to breath and thus safe to use in a PCP.
4 years ago
Ah good point didn't think about the dirty air being a potential problem. Thank you.
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