Saturday, 26 December 2020
  3 Replies
  1.8K Visits
I would like to buy a PCP-Rifle for pestcontrol. The targets vary widely as I shoot pigeons as close as 15 meters, starlings at 15-25 meters and want to shoot other birds and even rabbits at up to 40 meters.
I am hesitating between 4,5 (.177): 24 J • 18 ft/lbs and 5,5 (.22): 41 J • 30 ft/lbs
For now, I am looking at the FX Dreamline for its adjustability.
I am used to .177 with 12 ft/lbs and wanted to step up my game. FAC is no problem as I live in a country with loose regulations.
Is the Dreamline too much as a step up? What calibre do you recommend?
Any advice?
4 years ago
Hello, @2122-jakob-be and a hardy, if premature, welcome to the world of PCP air guns!
Pigeons, rats, and other small vermin at 15-25 meters can be handily dispatched with a .177 Dreamline. Although, personally, when going after rabbits at 40+ meters I'd prefer the .22 caliber for 1-shot/1-kill. The .177 (especially in a powerful rifle such as the Dreamline) would probably do the job with a head-shot. Can you can hit a bottle cap at that yardage consistently? That is probably the determining factor there.
Something else to consider is your target's backdrop. If the pigeons are inside (barn, silo, etc.) you have to be wary of pass-through or misses (nobody's perfect, despite what you see on YouTube) and the possibility of punching holes in the rafters/roof. In that case, a .177 might be your best bet.
4 years ago
Thanks for the answer.
I know about the test with the bottlecaps. I'd say I score a 8/10 leaning on a wall without real real support at 15 Meters.
And I already thought about the target backdrop. I testet a more powerful gun on a piece of leftover Eternit and it goes right though. In the old barn I will continue to use my old one but the larger new stable has walls of concrete and this should be less of a problem (providing the cows are grazing on the field of course). Still that was one of the rasons I wantet the Dreamline .177: to dial it down for sessions starting indoors and to turn it up after the last bird flew outside.
4 years ago
I shoot a Dreamline in .22. I have killed 100s of rats with it. One of the great assets of the dreamline is the easily accessible tuning controls. It is very easy to tune it down if you have too much power. You can also ramp it up if you need more power.There is an age old saying that I think applies. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I think that The .22 would be more versatile and you have more pellet options. My two cents.
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