Saturday, 09 May 2020
  5 Replies
  1.9K Visits
If you are using a Nomad ll compressor I’d love to hear from you. Are you happy with it? Any issues?
4 years ago
Use mine every now and again, when I want to top up direct to gun. Works fine. I don't use it on an external ( divers ) bottle that would kill it...but a quick top up works well. Its an occasional top up tool for me - divers bottle first - then Nomad 2 if I am low on the divers bottle and don't want to run the larger compressor. High Power rifles - hhhmmmm, if you use a lot of air I would go with a good carbon bottle and large home compressor......occasional top ups works for me.

4 years ago
Thanks for the response Giles. Appreciate your time.
4 years ago
I have owned mine 2 months now. I used it once to fill my Benjamin. Then a week ago I tried to fill another rifle and it wouldn't build pressure. I went through and checked all the ports as well as the burst disc (it was good) and couldn't find a leak. I checked the hose for leakage as well. Could not figure out why it would not build pressure more than about 500PSI. So I am sending it in to Air Venturi. When it comes back I plan on selling it. I am sticking with a big air tank that I got from The local scuba shop can fill it up no problem...
4 years ago
Thanks for responding. I went with a great white bottle from air tanks for sale also. 93 cubic feet I believe. I also tuned down to 70 bar. My last fill got me 180 shots from the dreamline. .22 cal. I live in south OC so a drive to huntington is a jaunt. Still looking for a 5000 psi fill spot down here.
4 years ago
@ 11BVarmintSniper

I have owned one approx 1.8 years and when it works it is ok.

The issue you ran into is not the compressor but the hose connector, double check tightness of connection to air filter.

I tightened mine down and all was ok.

Also, If using the quick disconnect provided by FX the metal washer with rubber insert gets warped and will cause loss of pressure.

The last thing to do if possible is to NOT send it in for repair. I did this twice and it took approx. 6-8 months before it was returned from the repair shop.

Note: This was purchased from Pyraidair and they have an internal repair shop which could have been the issue with the delay.
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