Sunday, 05 April 2020
  6 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Hey Fellas,

I have an Impact with an Athlon Ares BTR 4.5-27x50 scope attached. I’m keen to try some night vision and are tossing up between the pard 007/008/008RF or the Sight Mark Wraith.

I’m happy enough to remove and replace scopes regularly and have all the sight levelling gear needed.

Any advice from the air gun fraternity would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

4 years ago
I have the X sight 2, great a few years ago, but its now heavy compared to others and batteries die quickly as I record a lot. So have been thinking the same, but do I go dedicated scope or add on? The Nite Site style is no longer an option for me. I may get a 007 and give it a try......but that's just a thought.....other than that I offer zero help as currently have neither.
Final thought, check how the 007 is going to feel eye relief wise.....
4 years ago
Yeah thx Giles.

My thoughts behind the 007 was the ease of using it as a stand alone monocular for scouting the perimeter rather than swinging a gun around, especially considering my next weapon will most likely be a Lithgow Arms LA105 Woomera(very heavy weapon).

Even if the 007 isn’t the perfect choice it would be repurposed I would imagine and with full thermal prices dropping.

I will report back with thoughts once we can get back out there and buy/shoot again.

I live on 2 acres but we aren’t allowed to have silencers in Australia. There’s bloody rabbits sitting on the lawn having a merry time of it.

4 years ago
I also have the ATN X-Sight 2, and while the technology is "neat" it is very cumbersome. I don't know if others have the same problem, but I find that since there is basically no eye-relief, it is really awkward at times to set up for comfortable shooting.

The ATN 4k might be a better option, but I have not shot one of those. I know that when ratting at night, I have had success with a red flashlight and scope (inside 25 yards).

Best of luck!

4 years ago
Thx Bill, The ATN’s have everything I want but was concerned about the many glitches that are commented on and reports of bad/nil communications from the company about them.

I thought that bad communications while living in country would equate to silent Down Under in Australia.

Love their concept though

4 years ago
I bought a Pard 007 because I have 4 rifles, 177 sub12, a 22 FAC, 17HMR and a 223. Three extra brackets and I can quickly swap the 007 to any of the rifles. Its the 16mm 007 version which is approx X2 magnification. The problem with that is if you have a scope with a minimum zoom of X4.5 when you add the Pard 007 the effective minimum magnification is X9 which means the field of view is narrow making target acquisition more difficult. AO focusing is also essential with the 007. I also read somewhere a while back that add on IR systems can be problematic with some very high end scopes. I believe is something to do with the lens coatings reducing IR light transmission.
4 years ago
Thx 1774pete,

I hadn’t thought of the magnification equation.

I use an Athlon Ares BTR 4.5-27x50 and with all night shooting being reasonably close it would be a point to consider.

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