The more effort and time you put into projects like this the more it starts to become a bit more like a job, and for most people that means they need to generate a revenue somehow or they cannot even cover the costs involved in running a site and making the videos etc. to say nothing of travel/postage/consumables etc.........
So I don't feel the "commercialism" is taking the fun out of the sport, and without it you would not even be able to buy anything at all, so it's actually necessary for our sport when you think about it.
I also think your being very liberal with other peoples lives and livelihood’s, so unless your making no money and contributing in something similar "for the love of the sport" then your being a bit of a hypocrite? - But by all means prove me wrong and start up your own channel with the key task of being true to your post and doing it all for free with your own money for the love of the sport so others can enjoy it
James - Looking forward to you channel