Sunday, 28 November 2021
  3 Replies
  2.6K Visits
just received gauntlet
wondering what optics to put on
like the mil dot reticle and wondering is an adjustable optic needed or can you go with a fixed power
i.e 4 x32 fixed versus a 4-14 x40
3 years ago
That all depends on what kind of shooting you plan to do. If you're going to be target shooting from a fixed position out to known distances, then a fixed power scope would be OK. However, if the distances will vary then I'd recommend you get a variable power scope.
Then comes the question of what is the effective distance the gun you're mounting optics on. Sure you could launch a pellet a quarter mile by holding the muzzle up, but can you consistently hit what you're aiming it? The "quarry" will determine Effective Point Zero range or EPZ. The head of a rat is quite a bit smaller than the heart of a deer! However, you're not likely to be hunting rats at 100 yards or deer at 10.
A general rule of thumb is that you need to consistently hit the "kill zone" every time at the distance you expect to be shooting. For a rat, that's about a 1" circle and for a deer it's about 5" (most hunters go for a larger "heart-lung" shot). But, you get the idea. Second to that is power range: hunters need to have a wide field of view on low magnification in order to bring the gun to bear quickly and, yet, with high enough magnification to assure good shot placement. Generally speaking, you'll have time to zoom up, but you won't have time to zoom down!
Lastly, you need good glass. Cheaper scopes are nearly unusable at the top end of their magnification range. For this reason, I usually spend a minimum equivalent of money on optics as I did on the run I'm putting it on - more if I have the cash.
3 years ago
Hey Mondo
thanks for the advice
seems like you are the only one who cares so appreciate the response
I will be using for small game so distance will probably vary as most targets don't sit still like they are having their picture taken
You have yourself a great day and thanks again
3 years ago
You're welcome, Archer1961
The Umarex Gauntlet is a fine hunting rifle. I hunt small game, also, and find that they don't stand still for very long. Especially if they know you're around! So, the key is to use a hide or natural cover if you're going to stay put. If, however, you're moving, camo gear and stealth are your friends.
The scopes I have on my G and G2 are an Athlon and a Helix. Both are 6-24x50 FFP and I keep them on about 8 power. This gives me decent field of view while still being quick to bear on flighty quarry. If I'm after cagey critters, the ones that freeze or stop momentarily to assess the situation, then I'll zoom in on their little heads!
Something I'm looking forward to is a hog hunt that I'm trying to find. The two people I've contacted said they don't actually guide. So, I'm still looking...
Good shooting,
~ Mondo
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