Saturday, 30 October 2021
  4 Replies
  1.4K Visits
I have design Radar Holders for Everyone to download and print in 3 flavours

QR picatiny
Carbon Bottle
Air Tube

3 years ago
This is what community is all about!
Thank you, FXLover, for sharing.
~ Mondo
3 years ago
testing the bottle holder on my FAC impact 700mm plus a shogun and testing my 3d printed magazines!!!
3 years ago
I cant get my FX (.177) to get a consistent reading from just in front of the bottle when manually placed there. I've fiddled with all of the settings. Is there a way to adopt the file for a longer extension from the bottle to the radar?

Also, I want to be absolutely sure that when installed, both the mount and the FX radar do not touch the barrel/shroud/moderator at all.

If you can address both I will most likely purchase the download.
3 years ago
I tested my tube version on my sub 12 dreamline in 177 and it worked 16cm from the silencer muzzle.

I can extend the arms - I will ensure it won't touch even with a Ronin fitted

I will let you know when I have completed it (probably next week as I am busy working on magazines and Speed loaders for all 5 Calibers right now)
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