Monday, 10 May 2021
  5 Replies
  2.5K Visits
Powerwheel I am new to FX just got the maverick.Too use the wheel do I have the cocking handle forward ie ready too take a shoot or pulled back like I am loading a new MAG .uncocked means pulled back??.All the youtube videos show the handle in the ready too shoot position.If I get it wrong it could be very bad as said in the book
3 years ago
talking about the hammer spring adjuster?

you want the gun handle forwards, but NOT cocked/loaded. The hammersping has to be loose, else you will scar the the adjustment wheel,

So do not have the handle pulled back, nor have tension on the spring.

In general, never do any kind of adjustments with a gun loaded or cocked or tension on the hammer spring, unless the manual states otherwise.

Uncocked is the state a gun is in after you have taken a shot. when you pull the handle back, it puts tension back on the hammerspring and locks it, the gun is now cocked.
3 years ago
just the basic power wheel.Not adjusting for custom use.On re reading the booklet I think u pull the leaver back till clicks.Then set gun too fire.hold leaver back and press/hold trigger then move the leaver forward.I think thats right ie uncocked?Then u can use the wheel?
3 years ago

OK. I'll stop shouting. The Power Wheels on all FX rifles should only be adjusted before cocking the rifle.

In some cases you will find them impossible to turn, and in others they will seemingly spring to life. In either case, and it depends if you are trying to go up or down, it's possible to do some damage to the gun.

PJ Clarke
3 years ago
Everyone should take thiers apart and see how it works - that will save all the embarrasing questions.
3 years ago
i wouldnt consider any questions embarrasing... comments however...
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