Crosman 113-114 “Silver Snipers” ( Excerpt from my CD “Old Airguns and Memorires”)
Hello to all:
I picked up a set of Crosman M-113 and 114 Co2 rifles off the internet in 2014 in a span of a couple of months, for a project I had in mind. I had previously refurbished a 113-114 both in black with scopes and was very pleased with the results; both were previously reviewed here in a previous article. Production dates etc. have already been covered in previous threads.
I had recently installed a “Silver Simmons 3x9x32AO .22 Mag. Scope with Target turrets” on a .22 cal. rim fire rifle, and thought at the time that this scope would look and work great on a Crosman 113/114 series Co2 rifle, which were finished in a matching Silver for barrel and tube, stocks stripped and clear poly finish applied; and decided the next two I was able to acquire, that this would be what I would do!!!
So after the acquisition of the 113-114 mentioned above I began the process. I won’t go into great detail here as the refurbish process steps were outlined along with photos in the Crosman 1949 M-114 refurbish threads, the exception being the Silver accent on these two units. Both the Silver M- 113 and the M- 114 were subjected to exactly the same internal refurbish as the 1949 unit! I used IA clamp mounts for the Simmons .22 Mag Scope’s trigger pull set at 2.5 lbs. on each rifle.
A longtime customer came in my shop after I had completed these two rifles and after looking them over, said looks to me like you got two” Silver Snipers”!! Hence the moniker “Silver Snipers”, kind of like it myself and so it has stuck, at least with me!!
Well on to the field range testing, target set at 25 yard. Scopes AO adjusted for 25 yard and set on 9x shot from a bench. I used 8.0 gr.Polymag.177 Predators for the M-113, I have found this pellet to offer excellent accuracy in the M-113 rifles I have, and superior lethality on small game, nutters, rabbits etc. I used Crosman PMHP 14.3 grains .22 for velocity check on M-114. And JSB 15.9 grains .22 for accuracy testing, I have found this pellet offers the best accuracy potential in the M-114 rifles that I have.
The M-113 had a high of 721 fps 1st shot and a low of 667 fps on shot 30 for an average of 694 fps @ 8.6 ft. lbs. with the 8.0 grain. Polymag pellets. The M-114 had a high of 634 fps. On the first shot and a low of 603 fps on shot 30 for an average of 619 fps. @ 12.2 ft. lbs. with the CPHP 14.3 grain pellets.
The M-113 delivered a 5 shot group of .440” center to center with the 8.0 grain Polymag Predators and the M-114 delivered a 5 shot group of .540”center to center using the JSB 15.9 grain pellets. These old Crosman teen series rifles can be very accurate with the right pellets and quite lethal!! This is really good performance from 65 + year old Co2 pellet rifles!! Two of my favorites in my collection!!
I have had some folks who know my penchant for the Teen series Co2 Crosman’s ask me, if there is anything recently made that can fill that slot for me? Well actually there is; I may try to get around to that next!!

Hello to all:
I picked up a set of Crosman M-113 and 114 Co2 rifles off the internet in 2014 in a span of a couple of months, for a project I had in mind. I had previously refurbished a 113-114 both in black with scopes and was very pleased with the results; both were previously reviewed here in a previous article. Production dates etc. have already been covered in previous threads.
I had recently installed a “Silver Simmons 3x9x32AO .22 Mag. Scope with Target turrets” on a .22 cal. rim fire rifle, and thought at the time that this scope would look and work great on a Crosman 113/114 series Co2 rifle, which were finished in a matching Silver for barrel and tube, stocks stripped and clear poly finish applied; and decided the next two I was able to acquire, that this would be what I would do!!!
So after the acquisition of the 113-114 mentioned above I began the process. I won’t go into great detail here as the refurbish process steps were outlined along with photos in the Crosman 1949 M-114 refurbish threads, the exception being the Silver accent on these two units. Both the Silver M- 113 and the M- 114 were subjected to exactly the same internal refurbish as the 1949 unit! I used IA clamp mounts for the Simmons .22 Mag Scope’s trigger pull set at 2.5 lbs. on each rifle.
A longtime customer came in my shop after I had completed these two rifles and after looking them over, said looks to me like you got two” Silver Snipers”!! Hence the moniker “Silver Snipers”, kind of like it myself and so it has stuck, at least with me!!
Well on to the field range testing, target set at 25 yard. Scopes AO adjusted for 25 yard and set on 9x shot from a bench. I used 8.0 gr.Polymag.177 Predators for the M-113, I have found this pellet to offer excellent accuracy in the M-113 rifles I have, and superior lethality on small game, nutters, rabbits etc. I used Crosman PMHP 14.3 grains .22 for velocity check on M-114. And JSB 15.9 grains .22 for accuracy testing, I have found this pellet offers the best accuracy potential in the M-114 rifles that I have.
The M-113 had a high of 721 fps 1st shot and a low of 667 fps on shot 30 for an average of 694 fps @ 8.6 ft. lbs. with the 8.0 grain. Polymag pellets. The M-114 had a high of 634 fps. On the first shot and a low of 603 fps on shot 30 for an average of 619 fps. @ 12.2 ft. lbs. with the CPHP 14.3 grain pellets.
The M-113 delivered a 5 shot group of .440” center to center with the 8.0 grain Polymag Predators and the M-114 delivered a 5 shot group of .540”center to center using the JSB 15.9 grain pellets. These old Crosman teen series rifles can be very accurate with the right pellets and quite lethal!! This is really good performance from 65 + year old Co2 pellet rifles!! Two of my favorites in my collection!!
I have had some folks who know my penchant for the Teen series Co2 Crosman’s ask me, if there is anything recently made that can fill that slot for me? Well actually there is; I may try to get around to that next!!