By Bad Shot on Friday, 19 June 2020
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Well I did it this time. For some reason, unknown To those with common sense, I felt the need to grab the barrel shroud on my perfectly shooting new FX Dreamlite and give it a good tightening twist. Snap!! Broke off the threaded sleeve inside. I’m in the US and need a replacement. Fortunately I was able to get it apart and it seems the outer most shroud is the only thing broken. Most things I’ve learned in life I learned the hard way. I learned these things are a bit delicate and that my gorilla hands tightening method was a poor choice with lightweight aluminum parts. Any ideas where to get a replacement without paying half the value of the rifle? I’ll consider the price a tax on stupid people.
Sometimes we don't know our own strength.

Give FX a call direct -

FX Airguns USA
North Carolina
Phone: +1 866 639 0772

Unsure what the price may be, but ask and see what they say - I don't have shrouds as a spare so have no idea, but Jon at FX USA normally has an idea of how to get things going.

4 years ago
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Thank you Giles,
FX hooked me up. 38.00 US. For a stupid tax, not as bad as I feared.
4 years ago
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